Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Clubhouse Rules

For the past two years, since we've been living in this house, we've been telling the younger boys to turn the small outbuilding in our backyard into a clubhouse. What kid doesn't want that? For reasons still unknown to us, they have not wavered in their resistance to this idea.


But talk about the power of peer influence. On Sunday two boys from church (brothers) came home with us to play with our younger boys for the afternoon. When they all grew bored with watching each other play Guitar Hero, they went outside. (Finally!) And that's when it happened. One of the boys suggested they should turn that building into a clubhouse. Aha! A brilliant idea!

They went to work. Cleaned it up, furnished it a bit (even provided a garbage can), and settled in. And then they wrote the rules. Here they are (no corrections have been made):

No spitting.
No swearing.
No littering.
No handheld games.
No alcuhol.
No smoking.
No starting fires.
Don't pee in the clubhouse (LOL).
The clubhouse closes at 9 p.m. Keep these rules and you will be fine in the clubhouse.

Good rules, one and all. I decided not to find it disturbing that my young sons felt that it was necessary to instruct themselves and everyone else that alcohol and smoking wouldn't be tolerated in the clubhouse. I decided it was better to be encouraged by the very same fact. As far as I'm concerned, they and their friends can live by the clubhouse rules for a good long time.


Peaj said...

Yes, be encouraged. They are emulating what it means to make a comprehensive set of rules. They've probably seen signs that list those as rules and decided that their clubhouse should be that sort of place too.

Pretty cool.

BlogStalker said...

oooo - I want a club where nobody swears, spits, litters, drinks, smokes, plays videos, starts fires, or pees without using a bathroom. Can I come? Of course I'd prefer a place where there were no smelly adolescent boys, I have enough of those already. How about home school moms with coffee or preferred beverage of your choice?

Jessica said...

Ha! That club sound awesome--smart boy's, I'd say;-)