Sunday, October 12, 2008

More Than I Bargained For

I’ve been working like crazy the past two weeks, and I haven’t had a spare minute. I knew when I agreed to the project that every one of my family members would pay the price – but mostly me. And indeed, that’s how it went down. But now it’s over and I’m back to a more regular work schedule and the usual worries of how to keep all the plates spinning. As opposed to the past two weeks in which I didn’t try to keep the plates spinning at all. The boys complained about the lack of groceries, I complained (to myself) about the interruptions of driving them to medical and dental appointments, and if the dog had a voice he would have complained about his drastically shortened walks. Fortunately my husband isn't the kind to complain about a lack of meals or clothes that haven't been washed, which is a quality I recommend in a husband.

In the midst of my busyness, I've really missed blogging, which makes me happy. I used to write here primarily out of guilt, but not anymore I guess. I've thought of lots of posts I'd like to do. Okay, that's overstated. I've thought of a few. One thing I’ve been thinking about posting is some writing prompts. They can be fun to do, especially if they’re not particularly demanding. I give them to Son2 most days to write in his journal as part of his schoolwork. Of course, I probably wouldn’t post the same ones I give him. But maybe I would. Who knows where they might lead?

And that leads to my story. A week or two ago I gave him a writing assignment. I asked this question: If you could travel anywhere in time to any place, where would you go? What would happen while you were there? I told him that if he wanted to, he could write a story based on the idea of time travel instead. He’s a creative fellow and I figured he’d take me up on that opportunity, but I was wrong. Instead he wrote that he would travel back to the time that I was pregnant with his older brother and that he would switch places with him and completely change his life.

Not exactly what I was expecting, but I’m glad I asked the question.

I guess...

How about you guys? Any takers?


peaj said...

My first reaction is that I'd like to travel back to the time when Jesus walked on the earth. However, on reflection, I realize that I would want to see him in order to get some validation from him. Which wouldn't be likely to happen, since I am not a Jew (and he didn't spend a lot of time with Gentiles), and I don't speak any language that he knew. Instead of receiving an encouraging word from the Lord, I'd probably be totally lost in this alien culture, catch some disease like cholera and die.

So, maybe not so much. Though I would still like to see the miracles performed. And just get an image in my mind of what Jesus looked like while he was on earth.

I'd also like to see Solomon's temple. And find out where the Ark of the Covenant went.

So many possibilities!

peaj said...

Oh, and... interesting choice by your son. Huh. I mean, I know birth order has a lot of effect. But to pick it as the first thing he'd do... Does his older brother lord it over him a lot?

Nina said...

I was shocked by his answer as well. No, his brother doesn't lord it over him. Not at all.

This boy of mine wants to be a different athlete like his older brother, who he thinks is perfect -- smart, athletic, funny, kind. Among other things, we keep telling him that we think it's good if he's just himself, and that being athletic means a lot less when you're not a kid anymore.

Michele said...

I do not want to take you up on your offer, but I do want to say I enjoy so much reading your blog, and I'm glad that nasty project is over so you can blog more often. You see, it's all about me....

Scott Calkins said...

Thanks for the thoughts... I blogged over your question.

Nina said...

Thanks for visiting, Scott. I'll be sure to stop by your blog.