Monday, August 31, 2009

The Sound of the Sun

A few weeks ago Son2 and I were walking home from the park. It was a brutally hot morning, and only the dog, who'd taken a dip in the creek, wasn't miserable from the heat. The cicadas were buzzing like crazy and Son2 stopped in his tracks and said, "What is that sound?" I told him it was the cicadas, and he said, "Oh...I always just thought it was the sound of the sun."

Friday, August 28, 2009

Searching for Some Equilibrium

This month my husband and I celebrated our twentieth anniversary. And a few days before that wonderful day, we made the shocking and unexpected discovery that we are expecting a baby.

Now that I've made this little announcement I may be able to get back to blogging and also the business of reading people's blogs. We'll see. I'm trying to climb my way out of this alternate universe I seem to have fallen into. I'm just not quite myself these days.

To be honest, this is not exactly what I was planning for the next eighteen years of my life. Not by a longshot. But apparently God was planning it. I'm fairly certain He's been getting a good chuckle for years now every time we've made any mention of our future plans.

And if I'm being really honest -- and apparently I am -- I will tell you that I cried when I told my husband the pregnancy test results. And he, very kindly, took a glass of water out of the kitchen cabinet, filled it half full of water, and set it down on the counter. He looked at me, looked at the glass, and then drank the whole thing. Then he said, "That's the best half-full cup of water that I've ever had." It was the best thing he could have said...and then I cried some more.

That was a few weeks ago. I've stopped crying, though I still feel off balance. I cannot think of the specifics of the future. I know when this little person arrives, we will love him or her (please HER!) with all our hearts. Our lives will change, and that won't be the big deal that it seems like right now. The truth is that right now I probably care more about myself and my goals then I do about this person...but it will not be that way much longer. Soon I will care more about this person than about myself, and our lives will flow together, and it will all be good. So much better than good.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Another Bumpersticker

Saw this today as I was leaving Wal-Mart (where else?) and had to pass it along:

Guns kill people like spoons made Rosie O'Donnell fat

It gave me a chuckle, though for the record I'm actually pro gun control. Just thought I'd pass the fun along. Has anyone seen any good ones lately? Let me know!

The boys and I are leaving in the morning to visit friends in North Carolina...and we'll surely see some good ones along the way...