Monday, August 31, 2009

The Sound of the Sun

A few weeks ago Son2 and I were walking home from the park. It was a brutally hot morning, and only the dog, who'd taken a dip in the creek, wasn't miserable from the heat. The cicadas were buzzing like crazy and Son2 stopped in his tracks and said, "What is that sound?" I told him it was the cicadas, and he said, "Oh...I always just thought it was the sound of the sun."


Michele said...

That made me laugh! In "Twilight", Bella is describing things from Phoenix to Edward, and I've often wondered how I would describe the sound of cicadas. Now I know :)

peaj said...

Sweet. The first time I really became aware of cicadas as "the sound of the sun" was during Ken Burns' Civil War documentary. The narrator was describing the conditions in a prisoner of war camp during a sweltering summer, and in the background they had the sound of cicadas. It made it very easy to imagine the heat.

merry said...

That is fantastic.