Wednesday, February 24, 2010


In my backyard I can see some mud and grass. And a huge puddle beneath the rope swing that hangs from our neighbor's giant sycamore. This is the most glorious February mud and grass I have ever seen. It makes me dream of daffodils and crocuses and budding trees. I ache for Spring. I want to walk. I want to take the dog to the park and watch him run. I am ready for new life. Ready to move on. Ready to push this baby out and take him outside for some fresh air, even if I still have no place for him to sleep or anywhere to stash the clothes my friend has generously set aside for him.

I am seeing robins everywhere, and right now it's six o'clock and it's still not dark. Harbingers of Spring.

I am ready for baseball and open windows, even if the street noise where we live is louder than any city street we have ever lived on. I am ready for rain and wind. For March, in like a lion, out like a lamb. For Easter. Renewal. Resurrection. I feel like I too am about to be born.

What are you waiting for?


Jessica said...

If I were to be honest, it's nothing so pretty as your list...So I will just say that I am waiting for something to be official and to then move on with my life...

Nina said...

Jess, that makes sense to me. And once that's official, well, perhaps there will be some room for renewal and resurrection and new life.

In the meantime, maybe the daffodils and crocuses will make the waiting a little more pleasant -- if it ever stops snowing, that is.

merry said...

I loved this post. I'm always ready for spring but have enjoyed how it is so much quieter around here in the winter.

peaj said...

I am waiting for it to be light enough, early enough, and the streets ice-free enough to be able to jog in the mornings again. 'Cause that's amazing.

word verification - "resco" - oh, won't you resco me.

Becca said...

I am waiting for the babies. The Groop and Taylor babies, they are taking so long! But more poetically-- I am waiting for the peepers-- that cacophony of sound, the crescendoing symphony that is the tell-tale heartbeat of all things new.

I desperately cling to the promise of sunsets on the deck with a cold beer in one hand and a burger in the other, surrounded by friends--- ah, the essence of summer!

Nina said...

Merry -- I know! It's so much quieter in winter, that's one thing I love too.

Peaj, I'm with you on the light and the non-icy sidewalks. I'm ready for that too.

And Beccs, yes, those are wonderful things to look forward to.

joe said...
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