Friday, February 5, 2010

Insomnia and Sarah Palin

Well, it's 5:43 and I've been awake since 2. Two in the morning! I am beginning to agree with the husband...maybe God really is getting me ready for a baby who just won't snooze. But I'll be honest: I hope not. Really. Everyone should hope not. I am more human when I sleep. I found out this week that I'm anemic, and in my mildly obsessive quest for information online, I learned that one symptom of anemia is insomnia, so I am hoping that this lovely iron and herbal potion I am downing twice a day will take care of the anemia and the insomnia.

Yesterday morning I was watching the news and decided that we really have lost our collective perspective. Apparently back in August the White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, called some liberal democrats "f***ing retarded" for attacking the president's health care plan. Now Sarah Palin is calling for him to resign over the use of the word retarded. Umm, really? If we ask people to resign over such things, would anyone be left in DC? And honestly, we don't seem to ask them to resign for lying to us over weapons of mass destruction and taking countless innocent lives, so I fail to see the urgency here. I know, that's a tired old axe to grind. But, right?

Here's my question: can she really not see that Emanuel's use of the word retarded, while in poor taste I guess, is not actually an attack on people with disabilities? Is her mind really that dull? Umm, don't answer that.

I'm sorry, but this woman annoys -- and terrifies -- me. But what scares me more than her are all the people who think they want her to lead our country. This is a person who couldn't even hang in there for her term as governor of Alaska. That there are people who would still gladly elect her to our country's highest office offends me a lot more than anyone's use of the word retarded.

See? I'm a little cranky when I don't sleep.


K Rose said...

Agreed. Sarah Palin need to take a lesson in Semantics! Clearly Rahm Emmanuel was not talking about her her 'son' or a specific person. I would agree for him to resign if he called a 'disabled' individual retarded. But he was only talking about some individuals on Capitol Hill. If Sarah Palin took offense to the use of the word 'Retarded' being used, then she has serious issues and need to address them on her own time and leave the taxpayers out of it. Unfortunetly this country is based on name calling; the Donkeys, the GOPs, Black list, Dictator etc, etc, ect.A Note to Palin: If you stop for just one moment to live your life with your your family, you will realize what a Gold Mine you have and nothing or even WORDS could detroy it.

Nina said...

You're right. Our political discourse is little more than name calling, and that means NOTHING EVER GETS DONE. It's so tiresome.