Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Proud Papa, Redux

Today my oldest son was inducted into the National Honor Society. It was not an April Fools' joke. :) But it did get me thinking along the lines of what it takes to feel proud of one's children. Again.

Quite frankly, I'm really disappointed with my sons' school this year. This is our eighth year there, and we will not be returning. All of this to say, it's nice that my son was inducted into the National Honor Society today -- I'm happy for him, but I don't feel particularly proud of him. Sure, his average is above a 90 and that's great...but he did that without working for it. I think it's wonderful that he's so smart, but that's a gift God gave to him.

On the other hand, I had the opportunity to swell with pride over Son2 this weekend. Here's what happened. He auditioned for a part in Oliver, which is being staged at our local community college theater. To audition he had to sing, which is really not his thing. He can actually sing well and he has loads of fun with Karaoke Revolution on the playstation...but singing all alone in front of a few adults -- not his thing. He just couldn't find his confidence. He almost couldn't sing it for me and his dad. A few hours before the audition, our children's pastor was going to help him, but Son2 couldn't get anything to come out when he tried to sing for him. So sad. He was just paralyzed with fear. I thought he'd give up. Not go to the audition.

But he did go. He went in and sang. He forgot some words, and that made him sad. I am sad that he is sad about that, but I am just so proud of him. Could not be more proud. He was truly terrified, but somehow he didn't let that stop him. He stepped past those fears and gave it a shot. How did he do that?

I guess all of this goes to support what (I think) I said previously -- that I'm more likely to feel proud of my children's character than their accomplishments. If Son2 does get into the musical, I won't feel any more proud of him than I already do. And if Son1 worked his butt off to get Bs and Cs, I'd probably feel more proud of him than I do today. (Don't get me wrong -- I'm not one of those impossible to please parents. I am pleased with him and his good grades. I'm just more impressed by overcoming something or by hard work than by simply doing what comes easy -- even if it's straight As that come easy.)

We should know by the end of the week about the musical. I fear he won't make it, but I certainly hope he does. This particular little dude could always use some things that go his way.


Jessica said...

Good for him for auditioning--I know how terrifying that can be!

I really really hope he makes it!

But this is only the beginning--auditioning is a skill that you can better at just like anything else. So now that he's done it the first time, he can start flexing those muscles and grow stronger at doing things in front of other people.

Good for him!!!

Nina said...

Thanks Jess -- We assured him that thousands and thousands of people before him have been terrified before auditions...And I agree, just doing it (even if nothing comes of it) is great practice. Who knows how many he'll go to in his life? How many have you? Any idea?

Emily said...

Oh good for the boys!!! I know how it feels to try and sing in front of people and have nothing come out... I never could do it, but I bet I could have, if I had only kept at it. Big weenie here!

Becky said...

I'm so glad you shared that because I was just thinking about S2 and his upcoming audition...just didn't know when it was. And wow, that is truly something to be proud of him for!

Nina said...

The awesome news to report tonight is that he made it! He's a member of Fagin's gang, along with two very talented and delightful young ladies who happen to be his friends. They're going to have a great time together!

Jessica said...


That is great news!!!

And how fun that he already has selah and charis in the cast that he knows!
As for how many auditions I have attended in my life...I have literally been auditioning for twenty years now, so I don't know the actual number...

but, A LOT. ;-)

Michele said...

Congratulations to both of your boys and their awesome mama.

Emily said...

way to go!!!! hey, nina, my email is - if you drop me a line, I'll reply with Dan's email... he is very cautious about posting it anywhere where people might see it. Might sound funny, but he has his reasons! :)

Nina said...

Jess -- 20 years has to equal a whole lot of auditions. It would be interesting to know the number, wouldn't it?

Emily -- I got blocked by your email. I won't post mine here, but I'll post Brian's! He'd love to hear from Dan if Dan ever has a spare second.