Sunday, March 21, 2010

Almost Cliche

I'm not sure that I've ever been so full of anticipation for spring as I have this year. I am probably not the only one.

So yesterday, on the first day of spring, we did some some spring cleaning. The two younger boys cleaned under their beds (Yuck! -- Son3 apparently had been storing a bag of goldfish and some pretzels under there). Then they tackled their closet, which looked like one of those imploding, top-heavy closets you might see in a bad sitcom. Their room took...All. Day. Son1 dealt with his room, took out garbage all day long, and helped me too -- with a whole lot of help from his girlfriend. They took furniture out of his room to make way for the crib and waged war against cat hair. (Ugh. Remind me again why we have pets?) And they assembled the bassinet.

I am not quite sure what I did. Helped the boys with their closet. Did a little refereeing. Cleaned old clothes out of my closet, which also happens to be my laundry room. Washed baby clothes and put them away. Asked other people to do things for me. Fortunately, one of my friends actually volunteered to be here, and she's pretty skilled at ass-kicking. She ordered Son1 and the girlfriend around and did lots of heinous tasks that are too much for my body at the moment. I assure you, there are not many people I would ask to vacuum under my bed. (Remember the pet hair! I think it nearly gave her an asthma attack.) You have to rely on someone really non-judgmental for that. Fortunately, she is just the person.

My husband cleaned the garage and his office and moved probably hundreds of books from our house to a pallet he made in the garage. Last night I went to look at the clean garage and passed the many daffodils that some lovely soul planted years ago. Now they are our daffodils, and they have been busy poking through the ground and growing taller for the past week or two. We've all been eyeing them with much anticipation, commenting on their progress. The other day, some buds appeared, and last night, the first one bloomed.

By the end of the day we were MUCH better prepared for this baby's arrival than when we started. I am so relieved. A perfect first day of spring.


Michele said...

I am so glad you are feeling more prepared! I love daffodils - how can you not be cheered looking at one?

Emily said...

it's a great feeling to be ready, and to have accomplished something. I am so happy for you!
We spent our first day of spring outside, playing, and enjoying the loveliness. It was pure delight!

Thinking Out Loud said...

"I'm not sure that I've ever been so full of anticipation for spring as I have this year. I am probably not the only one."

You have a lot to anticipate, I would say! And now you are more prepared, and I am sure that eases your mind. Enjoy the spring.

Nina said...

Daffodils are super cheerful, yes. How can you feel cranky when you look at one?

Emily, so glad you all could enjoy the first day of spring outside...I think everyone is always so much happier when they get some time outside.

And Kathie...yes, a lot to anticipate. I hope you can truly enjoy this spring too.

Unknown said...

I think it is pretty sweet how God allowed those flowers to be planted right outside your door. A little reminder each day that your life is changing but you have an amazing God who is tending to you and helping you bloom.

Jessica said...

that's sound lovely, getting all that space cleared and organized. And God bless friends and sons and husbands and girlfriends of sons.

Maybe it will inspire me to tackle some organization of my own. Maybe :)