Sunday, January 10, 2010

Time Is Short

This morning it hit me that this baby is coming. Soon. For so long it's been out there in time, a date far in the future. Now, not so much. This little dude is coming. It doesn't matter what's happening in our lives, or how ill prepared I may feel, or that we'll just have to wedge him and his crib in somewhere. He's not interested in or bothered by the obstacles or our own state of confusion. In thirteen weeks or less, he will make his grand entrance and we will feed him and rub his little back and sniff the top of his little baby head and fall in love.


Jessica said...

that is so exciting, beautiful for you guys:)

peaj said...

I look forward to kissing his little head! Yay! You will do great with him and he will fit with you.

Becky said...

I just came to your blog after a few months...not knowing if you'd started back with writing here or not. It was a pleasant surprise to see that you had.

And this post blessed me knowing where your heart is. I too can't wait to hold him and look at his tiny little toes.

Emily said...

oh, so deeply in love! There is nothing like a newborn for delicious smelling heads.

Nina said...

That is so true, Emily. And thanks everyone for your excitement and encouragement.