Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Yesterday I started the merry-go-round of testing that will make up the last trimester of this pregnancy. Trips to the doctor's office two or three times a week, depending on the week. If you can believe such a thing.

WARNING: Unless you live a life of ease with no responsibilities whatsoever, do not get pregnant in your forties. Just don't do it people! Not only do they tell you scary things and require insane amounts of additional medical care, you will be exhausted. Trust me, I know. Pregnancy is way harder this time around.

Every Monday until this guy's birthday, I will go for a biophysical profile (BPP), which is a fancy term for an ultrasound where they measure certain things -- mainly (I think) fluid levels as well as the baby's muscle tone, growth, and practice breaths. On Thursdays, I will go for non-stress tests, hooked up to the monitor that you wear during labor that measures contractions as well as the heartbeat and who knows what else. Every other Friday I visit the doctor. It feels like a bit much. C'est la vie. My husband says I should be grateful for good medical care. I am certain he is right. I'm working on the gratitude thing, trying not to fret about the time that all of this takes.

The important news is that this little fellow passed his test yesterday with flying colors. But what made the whole thing just a classic representation of my life is that the ultrasound tech couldn't get any pictures of his face. Instead I walked out of there with a picture of his forearm and a very powerful-looking fist as well as a good shot of his butt and well...yes, his balls. If I'd had any doubts (which I really didn't) about his gender, I don't anymore. This one is all boy, in personality and more.


peaj said...

Oh gosh. I just realized that 20 years from now there will be an outcry of embarassment from kids whose parents posted their prenatal photos online.

WARNING: ... do not get pregnant in your forties.

Duly noted.

Hang in there, kiddo. We're rooting for you.

Emily said...

oh, Nina, all the tests are a pain - they make you do all that crap with twins, too. But as luck would have it, or Providence, they popped out early, so I got to skip most of that and sit instead in the NICU, and stare at my tiny babes through an acrylic box. That was worse, but shorter. Anyway, yea for a healthy little stinker! I am dying to meet him! Not as much as you guys, though...

Nina said...

Peaj, you are so right. Brian said he was going to post one of the photos on Facebook! ...And let me tell you, I appreciate the fact that you are rooting for me. It means a lot.

Emily, I didn't realize them came so early. Not surprising with twins, I'm sure, but I bet that's really tough and upsetting. And I would love for you and Dan to meet the little dude. I've never met yours and would love to; I think we need to plan something.

Emily said...

yeeees. absolutely. when you guys are all settled and so on!

Nina said...

I think it's hilarious that I said "'them' came so early." Ugh. I'm going to go ahead and blame that on my extreme lack of sleep.