Thursday, July 9, 2009

A Duck Tale

Last July we had the opportunity to meet a new client. They would be driving home from Washington, DC, and they wanted to get off the highway and come meet us. "Not at our office!" we said -- since it's in our house and we don't actually live in a mansion, which we're fairly certain they do. Also because our office is located across the hall from the bathroom where we keep the litter box. We said we'd take them out for lunch.

For whatever reason, I was really nervous about the whole event, which was ridiculous since I wasn't the one actually doing any work for them. Our work for them is only design work, so that's all on the husband. He, of course, wasn't nervous at all. There was no reason for him to be, so I don't know what had gotten into me. When I was getting ready, I decided I'd feel a whole lot better if I could take one of the pets with me. Animals always make me feel so much calmer. But that obviously wasn't going to happen. I had just seen Miss Potter, and the scenes where she could see Peter Rabbit and his family coming to life really affected me. I wished some cute little rabbit dressed in knickers and a topcoat could come along and sit on the table next to my lunch plate. But obviously that wasn't going to happen either.

We went to lunch and since we arrived (miraculously!) ahead of the clients, we chose a table outside, near the water. Within minutes, a duck waddled up to the table and stood right next to my chair. He stayed in place through our guests' arrival and returned after the waiter chased him away (over my protest). The duck was a perfect gentleman. No quacking. No begging. (Do ducks actually beg?) No pecking or biting. His presence made me feel so much better, and so much more like myself. The clients were kind, interesting, and amusing people. I forgot about my ridiculous nervousness. Then I forgot about the duck. The next time I looked down to give him something from my lunch, he was gone. Having performed his little act of kind service, he somehow knew he was no longer needed. Seriously. I am certain that God sent the duck. Does that make me sound utterly insane? Or just partially?

When my husband and I argue, the dog comes and sits next to me. Arguments make me feel utterly overwhelmed and undone, but when the dog comes and lays his head on my lap, I feel sort of restored.

Last night we were watching an all-star little league game. One team was about to lose to the other -- 14 to 0. Before the last out, a cat ran onto the field, dashing toward home plate. What kind of cat rushes onto a brightly lit baseball field surrounded by spectators? No cat I've ever met. I guess God and the cat cooked up that little scheme because they knew a little bit of levity was needed.

The connection between people and animals and God intrigues me. I think the connection we can make with animals tells us that there are bonds and communication that can happen without words. When you love an animal, you can feel the significance, the dignity of that relationship. And those relationships with living creatures we can't speak with teach us about ourselves and God and our place in the grand scheme of things...


merry said...

I love this post. I LOVE the duck story. Animals are so amazing and I often feel they are our little guardian angels. It is so special to have relationship with animals and I feel so sorry for those who don't get it and angry at those who abuse it.

Jessica said...

I too love this post! And that duck--what an amazing creature and how sweet of him! I think animals have a very strong sense of intuition that should not be ignored and I love them so much that it hurts sometimes!

When Drew and I get into an argument and one of our cats suddenly appear on the scene it is very very hard to stay upset with each other.

peaj said...

Nice duck. Very cute image.

I don't argue with my wife, but I'm sure that if the only animal that I own (a horse) wandered in on us that we would pretty quickly stop whatever we were doing.

Emily said...

You are not insane at all... animals are amazing, and I am sure that some of them will end up in heaven! That duck... I love him! Sometimes they just know things or understand things that people can't, or won't because we complicate it, we cloud it up with all of our silly logic.

Jessica said...

wait. Peaj really never argues with his wife?

that's awesome.