Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A Little Chuckle

This is a disgusting thing to post, so if you're easily grossed out, then stop right here. But if you're entertained by poop, then by all means, read on.

Things have been out of sorts around here for the past week. The boys were all sick at the same time with a lovely disease called the flu. Next year we may be getting flu shots and save ourselves a week of aches, pains, and TV watching.

I don't usually pick up the boys' diseases, but even I could not escape the flu's wrath this time. This has made me very cranky and I've contemplated posting a variety of lengthy complaints. I may still do so, because this sickness seems to have poisoned my brain.

Now, I'm sure you're thinking, when will she get to the poop?! Hold on, we're almost there.

So I am still trying to recover, fighting off the body aches and going through about 100 tissues a day, and this morning I was doing my best to get moving and get everyone ready for school. I was in the kitchen, packing lunchboxes (UGH!) and telling lies to myself about how much I would get accomplished today even though I still feel like crap, when Son1 appeared and said, "There's a poop in the upstairs bathtub."


I go upstairs to investigate, and, indeed, there is cat poo and pee in our upstairs bathtub. Want to come over and use our shower?

Well...we've been having a problem with our oldest cat, who's furious about all the disruptions in her life over the past 18 months -- new house, new dog, new cat. It's the newest cat who's provoked this disturbing bathtub behavior. We're still figuring out what to do about this, but that's another post. But the joy of this particular morning is that some of the poo nuggets had fallen into the bathtub drain. What did I do you ask? I stabbed them with toothpicks to extract them, little cat poo hors d'oeuvres.


merry said...

AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAA! I am sorry but that is so funny. I literally just smelled a horrible smell and realized that Figgy Pudding had left me a rather giant turd on the table. I think it just dropped out but still...disgusting.I feel your bathtub turd pain.

Emily said...

I am laughing still, as I write.... the smile just won't leave.... I find poop very amusing, obviously. sorry that you're feeling so lousy, it makes all the everyday things especially crappy (forgive the poo reference).

Emily said...

perhaps it's catching, because my girls gave me a poo story for my very own... I won't get into it, it's my last blog post!