Thursday, February 14, 2008

Good Things on Valentine's Day

Many years ago, I kept a book of good things. It was just a list. I want to say this idea originated with my dear friend Carolyn, but that may simply be my faulty memory, though I doubt it. She's always been full of good ideas.

It’s good to write down the good things. In a given day, there are a lot of little things to appreciate. So here are my good things for today. These are just the things that strike me at the moment, and in no particular order.

1. Our newest cat, affectionately known as Oscar Von Snuggles. I woke up this morning in my freezing cold bedroom, curled on my side, and I noticed that my back was quite warm. There was Oscar, curled up against my back.
2. Dark chocolate. It’s Valentine’s Day after all. Did you know there are dark chocolate M&Ms? A very good thing indeed.
3. My wood stove. It’s freezing outside but the fire is blazing and it’s toasty in here. I love to be warm. As a side note, for me, being able to sit by a fire in the winter seems to help those nasty feelings of seasonal depression.
4. Sons 2 and 3, surely as an act of Valentine’s Day love, remembered to put their breakfast dishes and boxes of cereal away this morning.
5. The sign I saw on the way home from school one afternoon this week. I plan on taking a picture of it today: “Don’t forget them flowers. One mile ahead.” I kid you not.
6. The e-mail I received last night telling me that Son1 is being inducted into the National Junior Honor Society.
7. Every time my husband makes me laugh. Which is pretty much all the time. It’s like living with your own personal stand-up comedian.
8. The way my dog’s ears flap when he’s chasing down a Frisbee. For whatever reason, the sight of him streaking across the park with his ears flapping fills me with an inordinate amount of joy.
9. Our cat Checkers. She is sweet and reserved and her little calico face looks like a checkerboard, and she doesn’t even have to do anything sweet or funny to bring me joy – though I do love it when she tries to order me around with her tiny meows.
10. Unexpected e-mails. I love it when I hear from people I’m not expecting to hear from. So fun.

It’s Valentine’s Day, which is as good a day as any to acknowledge the good things -- so I really hope you have some to take note of. I’ll probably add to my list again some day. If you write a list, let me know.


merry said...

I like your list. I am also glad that Von Snugs is inside. He has the face of a furry angel.

Carolyn said...

Time to post some photos on this blog of all these cutie pie animals. It's only right!

I need to do my own list pretty soon, or the brain goes back to default - list of crappy things.

Your blog is on my list of good things.

Becky said...

love your list. very exciting that Son 1 received such a great recognition. i'm with carolyn. unfortunately the default list for me is also crappy things.

Nina said...

Carolyn, you're right. I do need to post some photos. The trouble is that I need to figure out how to do that. For some reason I'm a very reluctant user of technology, and I can always think of something I'd rather be doing than figuring out some pesky technological issue.