Friday, September 18, 2009

Books, Books, Books

This is a cry for help. I need a book to read. A good book. Better yet, I need a list of good books to read. After devouring The Help, I read another good one — Year of Wonders: A Novel of the Plague. But since then I've been stuck. I take books out of the library, start them, and toss them aside. As a result, I am watching obscene amounts of TV. Well, not just because of that. I don't usually watch much TV (when would that happen?), but I have been feeling so sick and so exhausted that I've been going to bed crazy early most nights, and I've even gotten into bed many times during the day. Honestly, I don't recognize myself anymore. I'm just waiting to feel better so I can hopefully return to my normal self.

In the meantime, I need help... because I'm going to shoot myself if I watch another episode of anything on Bravo! — and I like Bravo! But not in the doses I've been getting of it.

So please, please...give me some book titles (fiction please) so I can lose myself in a good book.

Last night, I dreamed — again — that we are having a boy. I don't put much stock in it because my dreams have been completely crazy for the past month, nothing like my usual dreams. Nevertheless, I feel better about the idea of a boy this morning. Up to this point, I've only been able to think of this baby as a girl. We talk about the baby as if it's a girl, and my husband calls the baby Pebbles (from the flintstones). He actually has a cut-out of Pebbles (from a box of Fruity Pebbles of course!) taped to his computer — though he's been planning on giving that to a friend who has a baby who looks like Pebbles. Still, we're pretty committed to the girl idea. But I am relieved that my thinking is different this morning — that I can entertain the idea of a boy and feel okay about it. I think it helped to learn last night that my favorite three-year-old boy has been praying "for Nina to have a baby that is healfy and not sick." I love that kid.


Jessica said...

FIrst of all, I am sorry you are feeling so sick and exhausted. I can only imagine how much energy and strength it takes for a body to nurture a tiny little Pebbles...I hope you feel more yourself soon.

As for books--have you read the Glass Castle? It's not exactly fiction, but it's REALLY good. Also, this is actually a young adult series, but Drew and I have devoured it and now Jonathan and Rebekah have too, it's that good. The first book is called The Lightning Thief and the author is Rick Riordan. It's a great combination of Greek mythology and modern times, humor and adventure, and epic story.

We might have it at our house if you want to borrow it. Actually, the Glass Castle is at our house too. Let me know.

merry said...

Darby says the Seamstress of Hollywood blvd. is good. I was going to recommend The Help.

Michele said...

Argh, you are so discerning about books, my mind goes completely blank when you ask for recommendations. But, I will put my mind to it and let you know what I come up with. Sorry you're feeling under the weather, but enjoy the moments in bed! :)

Nina said...

I have read the Glass Castle. It was good. And it's funny that you recommended that series by Rick Riordan becuz Son2 just started reading it. So perhaps I will too...

But first I will read the books Michele brought to church for me. First up: The Year of Living Biblically. It looks hilarious.

And Merry...I'm going to look for that one at the library. Have you read it?

Emily said...

I loved the glass castle also... crazy times....

I am currently reading "Villette" by Charlotte Bronte, and it's kinda hard to get through, but I am trying to stick it out, mostly because I loved Jane Eyre so much. Unfortunately I don't have any good recommendations at the time, but I will let you know if I do! Looks like you have a couple to get you started, anyway.

Oh, yuck, Nina, I hope and pray that you will start to feel better quickly! Pregnancy is quite the trial, at least for me it was. Hang in there! When do you get to have your first ultrasound?

Nina said...

Emily...I hope you finish your book soon. I hate when it's drudgery. I actually had my first ultrasound weeks ago, confirming the wonderful news that there's just one baby in there. No offense to your lovely twin girls, of course. And yes, I am hoping, hoping to feel better soon.