Saturday, May 2, 2009

Quoting Movies

When I was in high school my guy friends were forever quoting movie lines to each other. I didn't get it; in fact, I found it annoying. None of my girlfriends did this, so I concluded that it was a decidedly male thing to do. Well, I now live in a family of males and there is a lot of movie quoting going on, though now I do it too. I can't decide whether this is something that women generally do or if the boys have worn me down. Regardless, we rely on movie lines to communicate all kinds of things around here, and it's amazing how often we find opportunities to use our favorites. Here are a few of our most-used lines:

"Make yourself a dang quesadilla." (Said by the grandmother in Napoleon Dynamite -- with the ls pronounced.) I say this to the boys all the time when they're hungry.

"Tina, go get your food." (Napoleon from Napoleon Dynamite) Often announced when dinner is ready.

"What bladder explodes?" (Bob in What about Bob?)

"Baby steps to four o'clock." (Bob in What about Bob?)

"Bob, there is a groundbreaking new book..." (Richard Dreyfuss in What about Bob? -- said about his own book)

"What is that haunting aroma?" (Will Ferrell in Kicking and Screaming)

"Better in a different, better sort of way." (Or something like that, Will Ferrell in Kicking and Screaming)

"Work. Work's your new favorite." (Will Ferrell's department store boss in Elf)

There are more, but I'll spare you. Now that I'm thinking about it, I realize that much of our communication is actually trading movie lines. Some of our conversations might be completely indecipherable to others. So, I'm you this too? What movies or movie lines do you quote from the most?


peaj said...

We do it, but not really a lot. And we have a limited repertoire. We mostly do modifications of movie lines to each other. For example, after watching The Return of the King we irritated our kids by telling them things along the lines of "There may come a day when you may stay out until after midnight - but it is not this day!"

We also tend to add extra "eses" on the end of plural words, in honor of Gollum. Like "pocketses", precious.

And just recently I heard Donna referring to "crunchable birdses," again from Gollum.

This morning, I was tempted to tell my son "Do it! Do it now!" in honor of the cops at the beginning of The Matrix, but I resisted the urge.

Nina said...

Peaj, that is funny about staying out after midnight. I love that scene from Return of the King by the way.

This has me thinking about whether we use lines from the LOTR very often. We do add extra "eses" at times, a la Gollum. And if we're ever talking about having potatoes for dinner, we inevitably say, "Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew."

Jessica said...

there is one line from a movie that Drew and I and jenna, too (and maybe even Darby now that I think about it) quote a lot because we just think it is hilarious.

It's from Serendipity, when John Cusack's character is trying to find this girl and thinks he has found her, though she is a lot bigger than he remembers her and he says to his friend, "She's a big girl now, with big hips."

It doesn't sound so funny now, but we really say it a lot. About anything really--our cats, a car, a place--maybe we are just strange!

Jessica said...

we also quote LOTR, especially--"elevensies" and "second breakfast" and "taters?!?! what's taters?!?!?!?" all from Gollum, of course.

And we quote Gandalf's, "keep it secret, keep it safe"

we quoted that A LOT when we were dating and engaged and saving ourselves for marriage, if you know what I mean;-)

Nina said...

Jess, that's a good use for that line! And you've reminded me that we also say, "elevensies" and "second breakfasts."

That's funny about the Serendipity line...but I agree that quotable movie lines can usually be applied to all kinds of situations.

Emily said...

Ha! this is a fun one. We are also constantly saying "Taters? what's taters?" anytime we have potatoes.

Also "I'm singing... I'm in a store.. and I'm singing.." (Elf)

"Oh, hello lady!" (Andre the Giant at the end of The Princess Bride)

And, more than anything else, "Did you HEAR that?" (Elf again). There's a lot of burping around here.

"Look at you!" (Will Ferrell again, when the pompous children's book author is running across the table at him) This one come out pretty much every day.

And this isn't a movie, but we are always asking each other, "If you were a hot dog, and you were starving, would you eat yourself? Answer the question, Colin!" (Will Ferrell as Harry Carey on SNL)

Nina said...

Emily! We quote all those Elf lines ALL the time. How could I have forgotten them? Elf is probably our family's favorite movie, and (as a little side note) it was produced by a college friend of mine.

Here are more that we quote from Elf on a pretty regular basis:

"You sit on a throne of lies."

"You're not Santa; you smell like beef and cheese."

"Francisco, that's fun to say!"

And there are more...I guess we're obsessed with Elf.

Emily said...

we pretty much love Elf all year round. I could watch it every day, I think.

merry said...

Yes, I concur with with Elfisms.

I also say, "stop looking at me Schwan". Billy Madison.

"Thank your" you've got mail.

"Babyfishmouth" when harry met sally

" The frog is staying". Muppets take manhattan.

Actually my sisters and I quote a ton of the muppets and other various movies from our childhood.

I quote movies all of the time.

Nina said...

Merry, we also use "babyfishmouth," and I am fond of saying "Thank your."