Monday, January 19, 2009


Every birthday throughout my childhood, my birthday wish was for a snow day the following day. If I remember correctly, it actually happened one time. Magic.

Well, today is my birthday and I am delighted to report that it snowed today -- a very unexpected two or three inches. Who knew? In this age of the Weather Channel and an overall over-reporting of weather-related news, it is wonderful to be surprised by snow. Usually it works the other way -- excessive hype about something that turns out to be a non-event. I hate that -- the way everyone flocks to the grocery store for milk, eggs, and toilet paper (yes, I spy on people's grocery carts) at the threat of a dusting of snow.

But today the snow was a pure surprise. The boys and I went to Longwood Gardens, and it was a delightful way to spend the afternoon. The flowers were inspirational and fragrant, and outside the windows of the conservatory we could see the trees covered in snow. When it was time to go, they ran and slid down the pathways, and I admired the frosting on the trees. Perfect.

My only complaint of the day: The inability of the state of Pennsylvania to actually clear roadways. What exactly is their problem? We saw three accidents and four cars that had run off the road. The roads were treacherous. It took us more than twice as long to get home as it should have. But when we got into Maryland, it was smooth sailing...they had even cleared the shoulder. Okay, complaint over.

Snow, in some mysterious way, elevates everything. Why is that?


Jessica said...

Happy birthday, Nina! Sounds like a perfect day and I love a surprise snow day, too!

Here in Detroit, there has been a ton of snow and the roads have been terrible (we're staying outside the city because of how dangerous downtown Detroit is, so they have rented us cars). When asked why the roads are so bad, the local employees at the theater told us that Detroit is totally broke and cannot afford to plough the roads. Tough times...

Emily said...

I think for me, it's the clean factor... my house sure seems elevated when it's all clean! I am also partial to a monochromatic color scheme, at least for a temporary change.

Nina said...

Jessica, thanks! I'm sorry you're in Detroit...seems like the wrong time of year for that. At least the wrong time for the performers -- but just what the residents of Detroit may need.

Emily, I think it may be the clean factor too. The transformation of a bland, barren landscape. And also...the feeling from childhood -- it's a snow day, there are no responsibilities!