Thursday, January 8, 2009


I think I better make my way to Wal-Mart and get that bird feeder before I go down the tubes. Where does that expression come from anyway? Down the tubes. What sense does that make?

Anyway, the new year got its start in...well...not the most desirable manner. Two boys came down with the stomach flu on new year's night, and then my husband got it the next night. Son2 has been dealing with a milder version this week -- along with a three-day migraine. Happy new year indeed. Ugh.

All of this has left me feeling a bit drained and a tad...depressed, or something. Thus the need to make the bird feeder a priority. All of this is nothing that a few juncos and chickadees couldn't cure.

January. It's just not my favorite month. April through October, I'm good. November through March, not so much. But, because it's important to look on the bright side, I'm trying to come up with some good things about January. Here's my list thus far (though, I confess, it's short, and a bit heavy on the TV side of things):

1. The start of 24!
2. The start of Lost
3. My birthday
4. The possibility of a snowstorm

Unfortunately, I'm hard pressed to come up with any other good things about January. If you know of any, please fill me in.

The morning of new year's day, we had a big breakfast and we each had to list our high and low of the past year. Here are mine:

Low: The gzillion medical appointments my children had this past fall.
High: The election of Barack Obama. Seriously. I was having trouble identifying the highest high. There were a lot of great days, but I could not come up with The Big Moment. And then my husband looked at me and said, "Election night. Your high was election night." And he was right.

And that leads me to add one more item to my list of good things about January: the inauguration. (BTW, one of the great things about making a list of good things is that once you start doing it, you keep thinking of more. I used to have a notebook full of good things.)

High-Low is one of our favorite things to talk about. I'd love to hear your highs and lows for 2008 if you feel like sharing them.


merry said...

Some of my highs would be:
Buying our house.
Paying off all of our old credit card debt.

Lows: Working in a place where someone was horrible to me everyday.
Another year without being able to conceive.

Here is to a fantastic 2009!!!!

Becky said...

I forgot about high-low. I tried to start that a few years back, but the kids were too young and it was as if I was just siting my own high-lows aloud. Maybe I'll try again this year and see how it goes.

Highs of 2008: Traveling to Switzerland and San Diego. Getting my insanely sweet kitty, Nilla Wafer.

Lows of 2008: Using most of my savings to live (though I'm thankful I had savings). And the stress and sadness of dealing with younger's difficulty staying on task.

peaj said...

Please, do what it takes to keep from going down the tubes. We love you!

Lows: Having to tell my favorite client that I couldn't accept their job offer because it violated my morals. That was tough.

Highs: So many! Enjoying my cheerful, witty, sweet kids more. Anniversary vacation with my wife. Worshiping in my kinship group. See brothers and sisters reconciled.

But I think the thing that seems to me to be the greatest high is the simple act of my wife greeting me at the door nearly every day when I come home from work, hugging me, and expressing how glad she is that I am home. That is very wonderful.

merry said...

What was I thinking? My lowest low was my grandfather dying. I guess it was so bad I blocked it out.

Jessica said...

Drew and I do high-low, too! It's soooo hard for me, though, because I always want to say, "One of my high's were..." like I don't want to hurt the other high's feelings or something and he stops me and tells me I HAVE to choose one. Ugh. He's a tough one, that Drew.
highs: getting A Chorus Line
paying off debt
playing my music in Toronto and Philly
Drew surprising me in LA for my bday
parents coming out to Denver for ACL opening

lows: leaving to do ACL
not seeing Drew for the WHOLE SUMMER
having to work with someone who acted like they hated me