Monday, October 22, 2007

When Books Become Movies

I pretty much hate it when books I've read become movies. The latest casualty is Bel Canto by Ann Patchett. I loved this book. I must read it again to remind myself why I love it so much. Anyway, the news that this book is soon to become a movie made me sad. Well, sad for the story, which in the book is just perfect. Happy for the author because she will hopefully get a big paycheck, which is something I can't begrudge almost any author. Notice I said, "almost any." A topic for another day.

I rarely enjoy movie versions of books, although I did love the Lord of the Rings movies, perhaps because it had been quite some time since I'd read them. I think there's almost no way for a movie to do justice to a story you love, one that you've pictured in your mind as you've read it, one that you've invested so much time in. I will have to ponder the best and worst examples of books made into movies and get back to you with my opinions, which surely you'll be breathlessly waiting for.

In the meantime, perhaps you can think of your own examples of dreadful and wonderful movie versions of books you've loved and let me know.


merry said...

I am really sad that they made the Kite Runner into a movie. I don't think I will be able to see it because although I loved the book, I really don't want to re-live all the disturbing parts again. Also, I feel weird about The Other Boleyn Girl being a movie. Hopefully, it will be pleasantly surprising. As, you know I love the Harry Potter books and the movies are pretty good too. I LOVE the Anne of Green Gables movies and could never really get into the books.

Carolyn said...

FYI- I AM breathlessly waiting for your further thoughts on this...!

What about all the E.M. Forester/Jane Austen/Merchant Ivory films? A non-Merchant Ivory film I loved was Mansfield Park.

Becky said...

Girl with a Pearl Earring. This movie, while a great film, did not do the book justice. There were just far too many nuances, smells, colors, and textures that were captured in my mind while reading but were vacant from the movie.

The Other Boleyn Girl a movie? Might as well be porn. Good grief.

Jen said...

In Her Shoes was a fun book. The movie, which I saw after I read the book, was so poorly acted it made me dislike the book.

Another terrible movie, even worse than In Her Shoes, was The Pilot's Wife. What a rivoting book by Anita Shreve, but the movie was the WORST Hallmark-meets-WE movie ever. Why the madness??

merry said...

ugh. DO NOT see The Namesake.