Saturday, November 10, 2012

Handwashing and Old Juice

The other day Son4 and I came inside for lunch. We'd been collecting leaves in a bucket as we were playing house and store beneath the trees. He was already starting a fit over the fact that we were washing our hands. Not big on the handwashing, this one. And as we were in the process of soaping up, he noticed his juice cup in the sink, and here's how it went down:

"That my juice," he said.
"Yup," I said.
"I want..."
I cut him off and said, "That's old yucky juice. It's been sitting in the sink."
"No. I drink it," he said.
"No, buddy, it's yucky. It's not good for you now. I'll get you new juice."

Commence crying and thrashing.

While he flailed on the floor, I thought about how this is just like me at times. How this is just like all of us at one time or another with God. We fail to recognize that God is looking out for our best interests, and we think he's holding back and holding out... Because like Son4, we don't even begin to have the capacity to see what could possibly be the problem with the juice.

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