I can't get it together to blog. I think of new posts all the time, but the only time I have to sit down with my computer involves doing actual work. If I'm not getting paid, then I'm pretty much not sitting with my laptop. Okay, sometimes I am. A quick email check, a scan of the day's headlines. Nevertheless, my news addiction is suffering. I'm not sure how CNN.com and the New York Times online continue to survive without their most devoted reader. Guess I'm having some trouble juggling a new baby with the taxi service I run for the three other boys and the editing I do for clients and the planning I have to do for the next school year. Who does this? On second thought, don't answer that. The last thing I need to hear is that there's some mother out there who can seamlessly juggle homeschooling and caring for an infant and working and managing a house.
Today I took Son3 to buy new sneakers. Nobody needs new sneakers more frequently than this kid, which is ironic considering that he's the one I always have to yell at to remind him not to run around the yard in socks. Herman came with us on our shopping trip, and at one point I told Son3 to put the paci in Herman's mouth. At that point Son3 sidled up to me and said very quietly, "When we're in public, can you call him by his real name?" I must have looked confused, because he followed that up with, "I just don't want anyone to think his name is Herman."
This week I'm thinking about where I was this time last year -- in North Carolina with the boys, visiting my dear friend and her girls. More importantly I am remembering that I was living in the last few days of ignorance. Two days after we returned from North Carolina I made the shocking discovery for the reason behind the dizziness and excessive thirst I was experiencing: pregnancy! Yup. It's been a whole year since that shocking news turned my world upside down. I just wish I could travel back in time and reassure myself. I'd let me know that Herman is simply delicious, that I often feel drunk just looking at him, that he's healthy, sleeps well, and cries very little. All of that might have gone a very long way toward averting the major freak out I experienced. Or maybe not.
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I think the title should be
"the best half full glass of water".
PS Herman Munster Cheese is an excellent name, and should be used in public and you can tell Neck Cheese I said so. :)
This post made me laugh. I kinda hate those moms who are so great at handling everything... I am sooo bad at multitasking. I just applaud you for still homeschooling. I am not cut out for it. I know this, and will not fight it. unless, of course, we live in a terrible school district when the girls are of kindergarten age. Then I will have to reevaluate, I guess.
It's funny how that last trip or event stands out in your mind... back before crazy happened. But it's true, I think, one glimpse of the unbearably sweet boy, probably would have calmed me down a little. just a little.
Beccs, I'm glad you like Herman Munster Cheese.
Emily, I didn't homeschool in elementary school (except for K and 1st grade for Son1), and I don't planning on homeschooling Herman for grade school either. You are kind but you can hold the applause...if I could possibly send them to school at this point, I would.
I just wish I could travel back in time and reassure myself.
I tried to do this back then, but I don't think you believed me.
Peaj, you did try to do that...but you're right...I wasn't believing you or anyone.
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