Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Things Kids Say

Tonight, Son3 asked me: "Why do old people have such saggy skin? Look at Coach B. His skin is so saggy it looks like he has skin sideburns." Whatever "skin sideburns" may be, I know I don't want them. But all I could say was, "That's what happens." I didn't bother to say that eventually it would happen to him.

This reminded me of something hilarious that a friend's daughter said to her one day when she got out of the shower: "Mommy, why do your nipples go up and Grammy's go down?"

Why is it that kids can see so clearly -- our faults, our weaknesses, our peculiarities?

A few weeks ago Son3 said this after a baseball game: "We're never going to win a game. I can see it in my coach's eyes." Ugh.

There are so many, many things I wish I'd written down over the years. Hilarious comments. Astounding observations. If your kids are little, I urge you not to be a lazy, procrastinating slacker like me. Write it down! And if the kids you love (yours, your nieces and nephews, your friends' kids) have said something lately that's humorous or profound, please share it.


Jessica said...

What a profound statement your son made concerning never winning a game because he "could see it in the coaches eyes."


Most adults don't even understand how our faith, or lack thereof work hand in hand with the events of our lives.

Pretty amazing for him to see that.

Emily said...

I wish I could remember more of what the girls say, because they frequently have me rolling. Today, Rowan told me, 'Mommy, yours eyebrows are not dirty anymore!' I don't know what she meant, I haven't changed them at all, but I did have a shower...

Genevieve told me that Dan's full name is Daddy Dad Costa, and that my name is just Mommy. And they have started calling the bugs that they find "little buddy". Great.

Nina said...

Jess, I know. I felt so sad for him when he told me that.

Emily, what a relief that you washed your filthy eyebrows! Where do they come up with that stuff?...As for your names, it's good to know that the girls think your identities revolve entirely around them. ; )

Renee said...

Hey Nina ...

I've been wanting to weigh in here for a while and decided it's finally time!

Hannah said something sadly profound on Monday. We had an absolutely horrible Memorial Day weekend, one thing wrong after another. She sat huddled in the corner of the bathroom on Monday, crying her eyes out, and she looked at me and said, "Sometimes I think maybe God's not as big as people say He is."

Wow ... like a knife in my heart. How can it be that a 10-year-old and a 40-year-old can struggle with the same question? Breaks my heart that she is already dealing with the disillusionment we all eventually face ... is God really who He says He is?

I'm praying that both she and I will come to know from the depths of our hearts that He is actually BIGGER than people say He is.


Nina said...

Renee -- How great to hear from you! I hope you and your family are well and looking forward to the summer break. As for Hannah, well, I think she eloquently expressed how a lot of us feel in our darker hours...Very profound for a ten-year-old.